I absolutely love story telling! My creative outlets are many, including sexting, role play, short stories, role playing games, (maybe some day a novel!?) and last but not least, sexting stories!

Image sourcing is kind of tough. There’s a whole lot of models out there and they’re regular people like you and me. Trying to make ends meet and be successful.

Images are sourced from models who are receptive to collaborating with a nerdy erotica author.

Yup! I would be fairly heartbroken if someone took the content I create and passed it off on their own. So, I don’t do that.

The images in these stories are used with the approval and consent of the models they feature. Models are involved in the creative process and ultimately approve how their images are used.

I’m not really consulted when Erato decides to bestow creative inspiration. It kind of just happens? 😉

When any nugget of inspiration strikes, I record it! Later when I’m bundled up at my writing desk, I sift through the nuggets, fleshing some out a bit, discarding others that just don’t work, and occasionally a nugget gets fleshed out enough to be a real good story!

Sadly, at this time I write in my spare time. Maybe someday I will have the freedom to write stories on request. Now isn’t that a nice daydream?